Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya

State Govt. Aided College, Affiliated to The University of Burdwan

Kalna Rd, P.O: Hatgobindapur Dist: Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN: 713407

Department of Zoology

About the Department

The Journey of the Department of Zoology was started in this college in the Year 2002-2003, after its establishment on 10th September in 1996. The Department of Zoology emerged as an independent Department in the Year 2002-2003 under the supervision of eminent Zoologist Prof. Dr. Ranajit Bandopadhyay.

Subsequently in the Year 2005-2006, The University of Burdwan gladly accepted the proposal of starting Honours course in Zoology.

The department had a mention worthy faculty profile in the past years. We are lucky that this department, from its very date of establishment, had the support of eminent sincere Professor and Ex-Principal, Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Hatgobindapur who have enriched us a lot.

Presently, the Department of Zoology runs with One Full-Time WBCSC-appointed Teacher and two State Aided College Teachers.

Teaching Methods Adopted

Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:

  1. Student Centric interactive Teaching-Learning process
  2. Lecture Method with teaching aids
  3. Audio-Visual Teaching Mode
  4. Practical based classes with better student: teacher ratio
  5. Remedial Special Classes or tutorials
  6. Class Tests
  7. Model question bank
  8. Students’ Seminars or quizzes
  9. Educational Tours & field projects
  10. Workshop and Institute visits

Diversity of Students:

Students come from all different categories and communities.

Departmental Activities

  1. The faculty members are involved in the University Examination Systems (Paper-setting, Moderation, Evaluation, Scrutiny etc.)
  2. The faculty members regularly act as supervisor and guide the students in different Field Study Programmes as per B.U. syllabus (both Hons. & General course).
  3. Faculty members regularly participate in different Regional/ State Level/ National / International Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences.
  4. The faculty members are involved in different Extra-curricular Activities within and outside the college premises. All the faculties regularly encourage the students to get interested beyond the prescribed syllabus for examination.

Departmental Infrastructures

  1. One large well-equipped well-ventilated laboratory
  2. Departmental Seminar Library
  3. Zoological Museum specimens,
  4. One computer with unlimited internet facilities.
  5. One printer
  6. All necessary instruments like Incubator, Centrifuge, Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Micropipette, Homogeniser, Microtome machine, sufficient students’ Microscope (Simple and compound), Binocular microscope with microscopic image processing system, Autoclave, digital weighing balance, etc.
  7. Chemicals and glass-wares
  8. First-Aid kit


  1. o One of our Faculty members Dr. Indranil Bhattacharjee filed patent on 05.09.2022, patent no.: 549031 and got patent on 29.08.2024 entitled: “A NOVEL COMPOUND FROM AZOLLA PINNATA LEAF EXTRACT HAVING LARVICIDAL POTENTIALITY AGAINST CULEX QUINQUEFASCIATUS MOSQUITO”

SWOC Analysis


  1. Well stocked library with easy access to books by students and teachers.
  2. Well-equipped Laboratories.
  3. Highly qualified teaching faculties associated with research work.
  4. Good coordination among teachers and non-teaching staff.
  5. Students are enriched by regular interaction with teachers beyond classes.
  6. Remedial classes, tutorials, class-tests are taken on regular basis by the faculty members to help the students lagging behind their contemporaries.
  7. Regular long and short educational tour and field-studies.
  8. Assessment of students in regular interval through class tests.
  9. Encouragement of students to be involved in different academic activities
  10. Regular Parent-teachers meeting
  11. Regular departmental meetings
  12. Frequent organization of students’ seminars & departmental seminars
  13. Organisation of Exhibition and cultural program
  14. Well maintained museum with ample collection of rare specimens

Our Weakness:

  1. Inadequacy of space specially in terms of laboratory and smart classroom
  2. Lack of full-strength permanent faculty
  3. Lack of proper infrastructure to implement the student and faculty resources to its maximum strength
  4. Lack of Alumni association


  1. Small Research/Model Projects can be undertaken by the students


  1. Despite scarcity of space, relatively better academic and over-all performance of the students is always aspired for and encouraged.

Future Plans:

  1. More space for laboratories
  2. Further up-gradation of Laboratories
  3. One Smart Board Projector for Classroom
  4. To enrich the stock of the Seminar Library and encourage more regular and frequent participation of the students.
  5. To inculcate social, moral and ethical values within our students, thus to help them being good citizens.

Our Faculty

Dr. Partha Sarathi Roy
Associate Professor

View Profile

Dr. Indranil Bhattacharjee
State Aided College Teacher

View Profile

Dr. Somnath Chatterjee
State Aided College Teacher

View Profile

Notice Board

Sl.No. Date Title View/Download
117 Feb 2025Sem III Hons. of Department of Zoology ExaminationView/Download
206 Jan 2025Mentor-Mentee Sem iii 2024-2025View/Download
318 Dec 2024SEM II Zoology Minor Practical ExaminationView/Download
410 Dec 2024Zoology Sem II Practical ExaminationView/Download



Sl. No. Year Report
1Envs Project Work@ 2022-2023View/Download
22021 - 2022View/Download
32020 - 2021View/Download

Project Work

Sl. No. Title Report

Field Trip / Educational tour

Sl. No. Year Report

Research Projects

Sl. No. Title Session Report

Results (Last 5 Years)

Sl.No. Appeared Passed Pass Percentage


Sl.No. Date Title View/Download
131 Oct 2024ZOOLOGY (NEP)View/Download
231 Oct 2024Zoology General (CBCS)View/Download
307 Sep 2022ZOOLOGY (HONS)View/Download


Sl.No. Date Title View/Download

Study Material

Sl.No. Date Title Semester View/Download

Placement and Progression

Name of Student Year Placement / Progression
