Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya
State Govt. Aided College, Affiliated to The University of Burdwan
Kalna Rd, P.O: Hatgobindapur Dist: Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN: 713407

Department of Zoology
About the Department

The Journey of the Department of Zoology was started in this college in the Year 2002-2003, after its establishment on 10th September in 1996. The Department of Zoology emerged as an independent Department in the Year 2002-2003 under the supervision of eminent Zoologist Prof. Dr. Ranajit Bandopadhyay.
Subsequently in the Year 2005-2006, The University of Burdwan gladly accepted the proposal of starting Honours course in Zoology.
The department had a mention worthy faculty profile in the past years. We are lucky that this department, from its very date of establishment, had the support of eminent sincere Professor and Ex-Principal, Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Hatgobindapur who have enriched us a lot.
Presently, the Department of Zoology runs with One Full-Time WBCSC-appointed Teacher and two State Aided College Teachers.
Teaching Methods Adopted
Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:
- Student Centric interactive Teaching-Learning process
- Lecture Method with teaching aids
- Audio-Visual Teaching Mode
- Practical based classes with better student: teacher ratio
- Remedial Special Classes or tutorials
- Class Tests
- Model question bank
- Students’ Seminars or quizzes
- Educational Tours & field projects
- Workshop and Institute visits
Diversity of Students:
Students come from all different categories and communities.
Departmental Activities
- The faculty members are involved in the University Examination Systems (Paper-setting, Moderation, Evaluation, Scrutiny etc.)
- The faculty members regularly act as supervisor and guide the students in different Field Study Programmes as per B.U. syllabus (both Hons. & General course).
- Faculty members regularly participate in different Regional/ State Level/ National / International Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences.
- The faculty members are involved in different Extra-curricular Activities within and outside the college premises. All the faculties regularly encourage the students to get interested beyond the prescribed syllabus for examination.
Departmental Infrastructures
- One large well-equipped well-ventilated laboratory
- Departmental Seminar Library
- Zoological Museum specimens,
- One computer with unlimited internet facilities.
- One printer
- All necessary instruments like Incubator, Centrifuge, Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Micropipette, Homogeniser, Microtome machine, sufficient students’ Microscope (Simple and compound), Binocular microscope with microscopic image processing system, Autoclave, digital weighing balance, etc.
- Chemicals and glass-wares
- First-Aid kit
- o One of our Faculty members Dr. Indranil Bhattacharjee filed patent on 05.09.2022, patent no.: 549031 and got patent on 29.08.2024 entitled: “A NOVEL COMPOUND FROM AZOLLA PINNATA LEAF EXTRACT HAVING LARVICIDAL POTENTIALITY AGAINST CULEX QUINQUEFASCIATUS MOSQUITO”
SWOC Analysis
- Well stocked library with easy access to books by students and teachers.
- Well-equipped Laboratories.
- Highly qualified teaching faculties associated with research work.
- Good coordination among teachers and non-teaching staff.
- Students are enriched by regular interaction with teachers beyond classes.
- Remedial classes, tutorials, class-tests are taken on regular basis by the faculty members to help the students lagging behind their contemporaries.
- Regular long and short educational tour and field-studies.
- Assessment of students in regular interval through class tests.
- Encouragement of students to be involved in different academic activities
- Regular Parent-teachers meeting
- Regular departmental meetings
- Frequent organization of students’ seminars & departmental seminars
- Organisation of Exhibition and cultural program
- Well maintained museum with ample collection of rare specimens
Our Weakness:
- Inadequacy of space specially in terms of laboratory and smart classroom
- Lack of full-strength permanent faculty
- Lack of proper infrastructure to implement the student and faculty resources to its maximum strength
- Lack of Alumni association
- Small Research/Model Projects can be undertaken by the students
- Despite scarcity of space, relatively better academic and over-all performance of the students is always aspired for and encouraged.
Future Plans:
- More space for laboratories
- Further up-gradation of Laboratories
- One Smart Board Projector for Classroom
- To enrich the stock of the Seminar Library and encourage more regular and frequent participation of the students.
- To inculcate social, moral and ethical values within our students, thus to help them being good citizens.
Our Faculty
Notice Board
Sl.No. | Date | Title | View/Download |
1 td > | 17 Feb 2025 | Sem III Hons. of Department of Zoology Examination | View/Download |
2 td > | 06 Jan 2025 | Mentor-Mentee Sem iii 2024-2025 | View/Download |
3 td > | 18 Dec 2024 | SEM II Zoology Minor Practical Examination | View/Download |
4 td > | 10 Dec 2024 | Zoology Sem II Practical Examination | View/Download |
Sl. No. | Year | Report |
1 td > | Envs Project Work@ 2022-2023 | View/Download |
2 td > | 2021 - 2022 | View/Download |
3 td > | 2020 - 2021 | View/Download |
Project Work
Sl. No. | Title | Report |
Field Trip / Educational tour
Sl. No. | Year | Report |
Research Projects
Sl. No. | Title | Session | Report |
Results (Last 5 Years)
Sl.No. | Appeared | Passed | Pass Percentage |
2022-2023 | 3 | 3 | 100.00% |
2021-2022 | 5 | 5 | 100.00% |
2020-2021 | 4 | 4 | 100.00% |
2019-2020 | 10 | 10 | 100.00% |
2018-2019 | 3 | 0 | 0.00% |
Sl.No. | Date | Title | View/Download |
1 td > | 31 Oct 2024 | ZOOLOGY (NEP) | View/Download |
2 td > | 31 Oct 2024 | Zoology General (CBCS) | View/Download |
3 td > | 07 Sep 2022 | ZOOLOGY (HONS) | View/Download |
Sl.No. | Date | Title | View/Download |
Previous Year Question Paper
Study Material
Sl.No. | Date | Title | Semester | View/Download |
Placement and Progression
Name of Student | Year | Placement / Progression |
Excursion (Darjeeling Tour)
Excursion (Digha Tour)
Excursion (Peling Tour)
Visit to Apiculture, Ghantal, ...