Dr. Bhupendra Nath Dutta Smriti Mahavidyalaya
State Govt. Aided College, Affiliated to The University of Burdwan
Kalna Rd, P.O: Hatgobindapur Dist: Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN: 713407

Universal Values and Ethics
Year: 2022-2023
Title: | Seminar on Indian Philosophers in Post-Independence era |
Speaker: | a) Prof. Ranjana Mukherjee, Former Professor, of the Department of Philosophy, Rabindra Bharati University. b) Dr. Shyamasree Bhattacharyya, Associate professor of the department of philosophy, Calcutta university c) Prof. Mridula Bhattacharyya, Professor in the department of philosophy at the University of Burdwan |
Organized by: | Department of Philosophy |
Date: | 22.03.2023,11 a. m to 12 p. m |
Number of Students: | 200 |
Year: 2021-2022
Title: | Webinar on Rejuvenating Values in Indian Context |
Speaker: | a) Prof. Sabujkali Sen, Principal, School of Languages, RKMIC b) Prof. Santosh Kr. Pal, Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of Burdwan |
Organized by: | Department of Philosophy |
Date: | 21.01.2022 to 23.01.2022 |
Number of Students: | 450 |
Year: 2020-2021
Title: | Ethics in Buddhist Philosophy |
Speaker: | Dr. Debabrata Saha, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Kazi Nazrul University |
Organized by: | Department of Philosophy & IQAC |
Date: | 06.08.2020 to 07.08.2020 |
Number of Students: | 269 |
Title: | Mahajiboner Pothe |
Speaker: | Swami Divyasukhananda, Ramkrishna Mission Vivekananda educational and Research Institute, Belur Math, Belur |
Organized by: | IQAC |
Date: | 27.06.2020 |
Number of Students: | 81 |